Generations of Faith is a capital campaign to support our parish and the Catholic community of Brooklyn and Queens. Every parishioner is being contacted and asked to prayerfully consider making a pledge and to pray for the success of this important initiative.
From Bishop Sanchez’s Desk:
A Word about the Annual Catholic Appeal and Generations of Faith: Read more.
How does Generations of Faith benefit Our Lady Queen of Martyrs?
Our share of the funds raised, which is a minimum of 50% of our goal, will be directed to:
• Replacing our current church organ
• Renewing the woodwork around the sanctuary and side altar
• Continuing upgrades to the cement work around the church campus
• Painting the church floor under the pews

If you have received your pledge card, please return it to the rectory or put it in the collection basket in a sealed enveloped marked “Generations of Faith.” Commitments made to the campaign as pledges may be paid over a multiyear period. A pledge is a nonlegal binding document. If one’s situation changes, for the better or otherwise, a pledge can be easily altered. Read more . . .
Ways to Give:
- Electronic Giving – Payments for Generations of Faith can be made through direct deposit or credit cards. To make an electronic recurring payment, please fill out a pledge card (which you’ll have received in the mail) indicating a preference to make electronic payments and further instructions will follow in the mail.
- Matching Gifts – Your contribution to Generations of Faith may be doubled or tripled if your employer has a matching gift program. Some employers will even match gifts made by retirees and spouses of employees. For more information on Matching Gifts, please contact Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens at (718) 965-7375 extension 2210.
- Planned Gifts – Bequests are the most simple form and largest source of planned gifts to the campaign. Bequests can be gifts of cash, securities, real estate or personal property, typically made through a Will.
- Gift of Securities – A gift of appreciated securities either publicly traded or from a private company, may provide greater tax advantages than gifts of cash. The donor can deduct the current fair-market value as a charitable gift and completely avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation.
- Gifts of Life Insurance – When Generations of Faith is named as the sole and irrevocable owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, the market value (usually the cash surrender value) of the policy is deductible as a charitable gift.
Additional Information:
Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens