Generations of Faith

Generations of Faith OLQM Capital Campaign

What is Generations of Faith?
Generations of Faith is a 5-year capital campaign distinct from your weekly offering to the parish and distinct from the Annual Catholic Appeal.

What is the status of the OLQM campaign?
Campaign Goal: $1,020,000
Total Pledged: $1,644,321
Total Payments to Date by Parishioners: $647,518*
Total # Donors: 467
Total Funds to Be Returned to Parish to Date: $273,822
*Figures cited are as of June 2017. Read the initial capital campaign results in our bulletin of March 6, 2016 here. We exceeded our goal in pledges! Thank you for your generosity.

How to fulfill your GOF pledge?
Mail your payments to the campaign lockbox address on your regular statements or start now with automated payments!
Sign up for automated, online payments at

A Word from Bishop Sanchez on Generations of Faith Read more here.
OLQM parish goals and allocations (2-page pdf) here.
Diocese-wide goals and allocations (1-page pdf) here.

Ways to Give explained here. Everyone has different means. Here is a sample gift plan:

Amt per week
Amt per month for
60 months
Amt for 5 years Daily sacrifice Equivalent to:
$50 $200 $12,000 $7.14 Restaurant lunch
$23 $100 $6,000 $3.29 Fast food meal
$20 $80 $4,800 $2.86 Dunkin Donuts coffee
$15 $60 $3,600 $2.14 Coffee & daily paper
$13 $50 $3,000 $1.79 Less than $2/day

Our video explains what the Generations of Faith campaign means to churches in Brooklyn and Queens and how our share of the funds raised will directly benefit Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. For more information, contact the OLQM parish office at 718-268-6251. Commitments made to the campaign as pledges may be paid over a multiyear period. A pledge is a nonlegal binding document. If one’s situation changes, for the better or otherwise, a pledge can be easily altered. Thank you for your support.

Additional Information:

Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens

