General Intercessions for Sunday

Updated Weekly

Pope Francis’s Monthly Intentions Scripture Readings

CELEBRANT: With the joy of John the Baptist and conviction of St. Elizabeth, we bring our prayers before our Heavenly Father.

Our response is: Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer.

  • For the church: That she may be a sign of God’s presence in the world and a witness to the hope that comes with the birth of our Savior.
  • For civil leaders: That they may recognize the dignity of all human life.
  • That we along with our catechumens and candidates may learn to recognize the Lord in the unexpected events of our lives.
  • That the faithful response, “Behold, I come to do your will, O, Lord,” will be voiced by each person discerning a call to serve Christ as a priest, deacon, sister or brother.
  • That we may see Christ in all people, especially in the marginalized and the lonely, and respond with love and compassion,.
  • For all those in the hospital, about to have surgery, or recovering from surgery.
  • In gratitude for our health, and for healing for all who are sick, especially those listed in our church bulletin and their caregivers.
  • For those who have died and whose names are listed in this week’s church bulletin. May they celebrate everlasting life in Christ Jesus.
  • For those prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts.

CELEBRANT: Loving God, hear these prayers we offer, and grant us the grace to recognize and welcome your Son, Jesus Christ, in all aspects of our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord Jesus, as we  offer all these prayers to you, we ask that you give us the strength and the fortitude to work toward the fulfillment of your kingdom. Amen.

Prayers for Our Parish and Diocese

  • That our parish community might grow in faith and confidence that God is present among us, and that we might be agents of that presence.
  • For all who share in the ministry of this parish community, that they bring compassion and understanding to all those in need.
  • That our parish will grow in faith, hope, and love through deeper devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy rosary.
  • That our parish may grow in holiness through the graces of the Eucharist.
  • For an increase of vocations to the priesthood and to consecrated life, for the greater honor and glory of God in service of God’s people.
  • That the needs of those in our diocese may continue to be met with the funds from the Annual Catholic Appeal.
  • That we all be trustworthy stewards of God’s abundant blessings and support the church through the Annual Catholic Appeal.

Prayers for the Pandemic

  • For the millions of people who have died of Covid-19.
  • For those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus: may God console them and grant them peace.
  • For healing of those experiencing harmful and long-term effects of  the Covid pandemic.
  • For continued protection of those who are most at risk of Covid.
  • For the success of Covid vaccinations and effective treatments and their equitable distribution, so that the illness will not be life-threatening.
  • For a better world as we emerge from pandemic restrictions, and for those anxious about the future.
  • That God may give us the grace to show kindness in caring for one another while challenged by Covid-19.
  • That we maintain the vigilance and understanding necessary to keep us safe.
  • For all those who give of themselves so that others may be helped – doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, EMTs, police officers, firefighters, grocers, truckers, store clerks, mail carriers, takeout cooks, hospital and building cleaners, teachers, child care workers, mental health professionals, and countless others.  May they receive your protection as they serve.