Caritas Initiative for Catholic Social Action: Volunteers Wanted

Some of our parishioners are reviving the parish Social Action Committee here at OLQM. If you are interested in Catholic social teaching and action, contact Bishop Sanchez or Father Passenant in person or by phone or write to them care of the rectory ( Watch the weekly bulletin and e-bulletin for announcements about dates and times for group meetings.

Here are several reflections, drawn from a statement by the U.S. Catholic Bishops, on the social mission of the parish:

“A parish cannot really proclaim the gospel if its message is not reflected in its own community life. The biblical call to charity, justice, and peace claims not only each believer, but each community where believers gather for worship, formation, and pastoral care. . . .

“We are called in a special way to serve the poor and vulnerable; to build bridges of solidarity among peoples of differing races and nations, language and ability, gender and culture. Family life and work have special places in Catholic social teaching; the rights of the unborn, families, workers, immigrants, and the poor deserve special protection. . . .

“Our Roman Catholic tradition also calls us to show our respect for the Creator by our care for creation and our commitment to work for environmental justice. This vital tradition is an essential resource for parish life. It offers a framework and direction for our social ministry, calling us to concrete works of charity, justice, and peacemaking.

“We have much to learn from parishes that are leading the way in making social ministry an integral part of parish ministry and evangelization. We need to build local communities of faith where our social teaching is central, not fringe; where social ministry is integral, not optional, where it is the work of every believer, not just the mission of a few committed people and communities.”

To learn more about the legislative issues that impact us as Catholics and to express your opinion to our elected officials, please sign up for “action alerts” from the New York State Catholic Conference.


CST 101 Videos: Catholic Social Teaching. Watch Here