As the U.S. bishops remind us, “In the Catholic tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation” (Faithful Citizenship, No. 13). We strongly encourage you to vote in the upcoming election on November 5, 2024. Our parish is offering two programs in support of everyone’s civic duty to vote.
Voter Registration Drive
Sundays, September 15 & September 22 | after all Masses
A table with registration forms will be set up in the church vestibule. If you are a citizen and not yet registered at your current address, please take advantage of this opportunity to register to vote. This is a nonpartisan voter registration drive.
Special Presentation
Sunday, September 22 | 10:15 AM, rectory basement meeting room
Join us right after the 9 AM Mass for an insightful talk by Vincent LeVien, director of external affairs for DeSales Media, a Catholic ministry in the Diocese of Brooklyn. LeVien is responsible for government and community affairs, and he will discuss the Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, a teaching document from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on the vital role faith plays in civic life. He will also share how the Catholic Church in Brooklyn and Queens carries out its mission when it engages with elected civil officials. An additional opportunity to register to vote will be available during this gathering. Light refreshments will be provided.
Additional Information
Before joining DeSales Media, Vincent LeVien was director of intergovernmental affairs for the New York State Comptroller. During more than 15 years in government service, he served as lead advance for the White House advance teams of President Barack Obama, President Bill Clinton, and Vice President Al Gore. He also acted in the same capacity for members of the United States Congress and Senate. Vincent is an active parishioner at Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Malverne, NY.
Further Reading and Viewing
The Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Part One: Our Call as Catholic Citizens
Part Two: Making Moral Choices and Applying Our Principles
Watch the Four Videos on Catholics called to participate in public life, protect human life and dignity, promote the common good, and love our neighbors.