Watch the PIX 11 Video of the Forest Hills Anti-Semitism rally, January 12, 2020

To all people of goodwill,
The recent incidents of violence against our Jewish brothers and sisters in faith bring sadness to our hearts. Such incidents remind us that any act of violence or hatred against another person goes against the values we cherish as human beings and fellow citizens. An attack on one person is an attack on all of us. Are we able to ask ourselves at a moment like this: Am I contributing to a sense of hatred or prejudice in my heart or the heart of those around me? Or am I growing in a spirit of love and solidarity and communion?
To borrow the words of an esteemed local religious leader:
“Can I move from interior darkness and hate to light and life and love? From spitting on someone to blessing someone? From fists to embraces? From machetes to mercy? From looking at someone as a threat to looking at someone as a friend?”
We, the undersigned, join ourselves in prayer and communion at a time of anguish brought on by the mistreatment of one person against another. May God heal the heart of those who are misguided and hate filled! May God bring consolation and hope to those who have been injured! As brothers and sisters in faith, may we stand together in pledging once again that love is stronger than hatred and that our God can bring goodness out of evil and renew the hearts of all!
United in faith,
Rabbi Mark Kaiserman – The Reform Temple of Forest Hills
Rev. Msgr. John A. McGuirl – Our Lady of Mercy R.C. Church
Rev. John Mendonca – Our Lady of the Angelus R.C. Church
Rev. Mr. Joseph J. Occhiuto – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Very Rev. Francis J. Passenant – Our Lady Queen of Martyrs R.C. Church
Very Rev. Thomas F. Reese – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Most Rev. Paul R. Sanchez – Our Lady Queen of Martyrs R.C. Church
Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik – Forest Hills Jewish Center
Rev. Jeanne R. Warfield – Grace Lutheran Church
Jeanne De Ycaza, Church Council – The Church in the Gardens