“Through the Word” Bible Study: Now Viewable on YouTube

The Through the Word Catholic bible study group meets weekly on Monday evenings at 7PM on Zoom. This bible study program draws from the canon of Scripture, sacred tradition, and the teachings of the fathers and doctors of the Church to bring Christ in the word to you. Our instructor Joseph Terry holds a doctorate in philosophical theology from the University of Nottingham and teaches philosophy at the City University of New York and theology at St. John’s University. To request to join the weekly Zoom meetings, email josephterry@gmail.com.

Study Topics

Beginning May 13, 2024: Journey Through the Acts of the Apostles.

Past Study Topics: Fresh Power: Reflections on the Holy Spirit; Sunday Reading Reflections (a year-long study allowing all to journey together through the liturgical year); the Eucharist (three-month study on the connection between Scripture and the Catechism to cultivate a deeper affection for our Eucharistic Lord).

How the Program Works

  • Each Monday meeting begins at 7PM. If you sign into Zoom a bit early, the instructor will lead those in attendance in praying and meditating on two decades of the rosary, beginning at 6:40PM.
  • On Tuesday mornings following the study, participants receive the Zoom recording of the study by email.
  • A brief “midweek reflection” is emailed sometime on Wednesdays.
  • If you are unable to attend the weekly meetings on Monday evenings on Zoom, recordings of the bible studies are available and can be viewed, on demand, at YouTube.com/@bktheologian. There, select the Through the Word playlist. Or bookmark this webpage and return weekly to watch the updates in the window below. Use the three-line icon ( ≡ ) in the top right corner to select from a menu of episodes.

Read more about the other faith-sharing groups at our parish.