It’s that time again to share what you can!
Please help us collect canned goods and nonperishable foods for the food pantries of those in need this holiday. Bring a bag of food to the 5PM Vigil Mass on November 11, any Sunday Mass on November 12, and the 10 AM Mass on Thanksgiving Day (November 23, 2023). Leave your bags at the front of the church at the Mary Altar. The food we collect will be delivered to our sister parishes in Queens that operate food pantry programs and will end up on the table of someone in need.
Please choose nutritious items that contribute to the good health of people struggling with hunger. Canned goods, pasta, sauce, rice, and beans are top recommendations.
Suggested items:
- Canned meats (tuna, chicken, salmon)
- Canned vegetables
- Canned fruits, applesauce
- Canned soups
- Canned or dried beans
- Boxed meals (mac and cheese)
- Pasta, rice, and cereal
- Pasta sauce
- Nut butters
- 100% fruit juice
- Shelf-stable milk
- Low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar foods and snacks
- Cans with pop-tops are thoughtful.
Be sure items are not past expiration!