People pray together to worship God, share their faith and encourage one another in the Christian life. As a diverse parish community, we have several prayer groups, with different emphases within the groups.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Through prayer and quiet reflection, we silently adore Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. Exposition is held every Thursday, immediately following the 12:05PM Mass. From the Thursday after Ash Wednesday until the week before Thanksgiving, evening devotional hours are observed from 12:40PM to 7:30PM, concluding with Benediction. During the winter months (Thanksgiving to the start of Lent), we observe a brief period of Adoration after 12:05PM Mass.
The Rosary is one of the most precious and beautiful prayers we have. The Rosary is said daily, Monday through Friday, after our 12:05PM Mass. A Living Rosary is prayed twice a year (May and October) in the church plaza on Ascan Avenue. Watch our News & Events page for announcements and dates.
Intercessory Prayer
Pastoral Care includes intercessory prayer as part of its ministry. Pastoral Care members pray with love and compassion for the requests they receive and will, if requested, visit with your loved ones and distribute Holy Communion.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Group (in person)
Sunday bible study began as an extension of the Arise Together in Christ program. Topics of discussion have included the Gospel of John and the Gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke. You can join them on Sunday mornings at 10AM in the rectory basement meeting room (enter through the glass door at the back of the rectory, near the Mary statue).
Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group at OLQM (Zoom)
Group meetings consist of spontaneous prayer, scripture reading, and the exercise of charismatic gifts. Weekly Zoom prayer meetings are on Wednesdays from 7:45–9PM, with bible study on the 3rd Wednesday. Zoom Meeting ID: 82120186604 (PW: 765136). Members also prepare one of the altars for the yearly Corpus Christi procession and assist in the celebration of the Feast of St. Lorenzo Ruiz in September. They arrange occasional bus pilgrimages to the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy or the Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Watch the bulletin or the News & Events page for announcements of upcoming pilgrimages. For more information, please leave a message for Virgie Villadiego-Punto at 718-268-6251.
“Through the Word” Bible Study (archived on YouTube)
The live Zoom sessions will pause effective January 6, 2025. An archive of Through the Word recordings remains available on YouTube for those wishing to revisit past studies or explore them for the first time. Through the Word explores the rich treasures found within Scripture, sacred tradition, and the teachings of the fathers and doctors of the Church to discover the deeply beautiful and perennial teachings of Christ.