We Are Blessed by God’s Grace
As our stewardship theme, these words, “We Are Blessed by God’s Grace,” hold a more special meaning coming on the heels of a challenging time in our lives. Calling ourselves blessed is an invitation to express our gratitude to God by giving back our time, talent, and treasure. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs allows us to serve through our parish’s various ministries and liturgies; but in order to continue to thrive, we need the help of volunteers.
God has given each one of us unique skills and talents so that together we can make an impact as Catholic Christians. The devotion of your time takes commitment, but isn’t God worth the hours doing the work?
My fellow parishioners, we have time because we make time. Our volunteers representing various ministries are available in the Church vestibule after the Sunday Masses on the weekend of April 30 and May 1, 2022. They can answer your questions and help you fill out a ministry form or explore with you what you can do to help. Please take a copy of our list of parish ministries and contacts.
OLQM Parish Ministries and Volunteer Form
Thank you.—David Lee, OLQM Stewardship Committee