Volunteers Wanted!
The clergy and rabbis of Forest Hills are working together to start a weeknight food pantry for local families in need. Volunteers are needed for two evening shifts of two hours each, one night a month (e.g., Tues, Wed or Thurs, 5:30–7 p.m.); schedule dependent on volunteer availability. We hope to get members of our parish involved.
Who: This is a volunteer opportunity for anyone wanting to address social problems and needs, provide nutrition and goodwill, take part in interfaith cooperation as beneficial to our community or demonstrate an act of service this year of mercy.
What (duties): Collect/bag donated foods for about 75 families and distribute the food.
Where: Queens Community House (QCH), 108-25 62nd Dr.
When: Stay tuned. If you are interested, check back again after January 19, 2016, when we will have more information and contact information for all potential volunteers.