Easter Greetings

Alleluia, Alleluia! He is Risen!  

This is the refrain exclaimed over and over again on this Easter Sunday, during the Easter season, and throughout the year. Easter is not just today; it is a 50-day event that culminates on Pentecost Sunday. After that, each Sunday is considered a little Easter, because we are called to rejoice and not to let up rejoicing, for the Resurrection of Jesus means he is alive today and every day.

We are loved by God, and the beautiful presence of the Risen Lord. The joy of today’s Resurrection feast is far greater than any struggle, tragedy, or darkness that we may encounter.

May you experience the love and joy of the Risen Lord. May this Easter season bring hope, confidence, and peace into your hearts and the hearts of the whole world.

On behalf of Bishop Sanchez, Father Antonin, our deacon, and the entire OLQM staff, a Happy and Blessed Easter!
—Father Passenant