On Sunday, May 15, we invite everyone to join us for our Parish Vocation Fair. It will be held in the church vestibule after the 9AM, 11:15AM and 1PM Masses. Father Chris Bethge, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens, and a team of eight (deacon, consecrated brothers, and other consecrated religious) will be present to share with you what they do and answer any questions you and your family members may have about their respective vocations. They will have table displays and handouts. Please plan on welcoming our guests and visiting with them to learn more about the many good works being done by these men and women and to witness the vitality and joy of those who have responded to the vocation of religious life or priesthood.

Pope Francis’s Message for World Day of Vocations 2022
Brooklyn/Queens Diocese Office of Vocations and Religious Life