How’s your prayer life? A little boring?
Are you feeling fed up? Are your “Aves” turning into “Oy vehs”?
Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and try a surefire tonic for your travails, a booster for your blahs, a pep pill for your prayers.
Yesiree. All you need to do is crack open a copy of Magnificat.
For several years now, my wife and I have being subscribing to this little Reader’s Digest-sized monthly magazine. I used to pack it in my briefcase to read on the subway on the way to work. Now, it sits on a shelf in our den, where it is read and re-read, the pages curled from all that thumbing. It’s just that good.
It’s also popular. Phenomenally popular.
A few years ago, I attended an international conference down in Georgia, and one of the participants from across the Atlantic brought with him – and read every morning—a copy of Magnificat, printed in French.
And no wonder: Magnificat, c’est magnifique! This little periodical is a treasure trove.
Looking for Mass readings? No problem. It includes all the daily Mass readings and prayers for each day of the month. (My wife and I use it before we serve as lectors, to become familiar with that day’s scripture.)
Looking for prayers? It includes versions of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer for each day of the month.
Looking for a little meditation material? It features short meditations from writers ranging from Henri Nouwen to St. John of the Cross. It even has brief biographies of saints and blesseds.
Looking for art? There is a great work of art on every cover, and an insightful analysis of a painting or icon in the back.
And on top of everything, and at no extra charge, you will find every month unique “Blessings for the Table” and a “Hymn of the Month,” often written in Latin and set to Gregorian chant.
Who could ask for anything more?
There is something for everyone here. A daily dose of Magnificat just might jump-start your soul, fire up your celestial spark plugs and put you in the express lane to eternal salvation.
But wait! Not convinced? Check out the website: Or give them a call at 1-866-273 5215 and ask for a complimentary copy. An annual subscription is $44.95.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: For pennies a day, you could find your prayer life enriched beyond price. Magnificat. It’s a little wonder that can work wonders.
Go ahead. Try it. You can thank me later.