Sacred Music Society Sweepstakes

This fundraising activity, which is undertaken twice a year, allows us to continue the concerts and special musical liturgies of the OLQM Sacred Music Society (SMS)—spiritually uplifting presentations of sacred music that is holy, beautiful, and universal and that our parishioners have supported for 30 years. Only 100 tickets are sold, so you have a good shot at winning, while also helping us in our mission.

Tickets are $50 each. Winner receives $1,000.

The next SMS sweepstakes commences May 11-12, 2024. Choir members will be selling tickets in the church lobby after the Sunday Masses that weekend and also the weekends of May 18-19 and 25-26. The drawing is on the 26th after the 1pm Mass. You don’t need to be present at the drawing to win—but you need to have bought a ticket in time! Our church bulletin will announce the winner.

And yes, you can purchase a sweepstakes ticket with credit card payment!

Thank you for supporting the Sacred Music Society of OLQM.

Sacred music is holy, beautiful, universal, and a tradition at our parish.