Mary is our patroness. Our Parish Feast Day coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (September 15). Her title as Queen of Martyrs remembers her as a witness to the passion and death of her Son, and unites her to our church. The central figure in one of the most beautiful of our stained glass windows, the Choir Window, is that of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. The choir loft is inscribed with words from our parish prayer:
“Hail, O Maid of royal birth, noblest martyr, rose of earth, lily of virginity, Pray for us, Queen of Martyrs who didst stand by the Cross of Jesus.”
Our Parish Prayer
O glorious Queen of Martyrs,
whose Immaculate Heart,
in the Passion of your Son,
was cruelly pierced by the sword
foretold by the holy and aged Simeon;
obtain for my heart true courage
and holy patience to bear well
the tribulations and trials of this life.
We honor our past and celebrate
the promise of our future
as we journey forward.
Bless our sacrifices in bringing about
a new beginning for our community and our church,
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs,
named in your honor. Amen.
Hail, O Maid of royal birth,
noblest martyr-rose of earth.
Pray for us!
Lily of virginity, Pray for us!
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
who did stand by the Cross of Jesus.
Pray for us!

Our Parish Hymn
Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, O flower from above,
The Mother of Our Savior and the guardian of His love,
You were God’s living martyr
When the sorrow pierced your heart
At the foot of the Cross
Where your Son from you did part.
O Mary, Queen of Martyrs, no evil can destroy
The faith that Jesus gave us, the faith of endless joy
You shared by your example from the time the angel came;
O Mary, Queen of Martyrs, we glorify your name.
O Mary, see our parish which we dedicate to you.
We pray for all the martyrs,
All who die for all that’s true,
Who embrace the faith of Jesus Our Savior and your Son,
And the love that’s true perfection
Through the Spirit, Holy One.
O Mary, guide our parish!
Warm it with your love and peace,
That all may come to Jesus
From the greatest to the least.
We thank you for the favors
You grant to us each day.
Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs,
Please guide us on our way.