The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary—the patronal feast day of the United States—is still a holy day of obligation even though it has been transferred from the second Sunday of Advent (December 8) to Monday, December 9 this year.
Mass times on December 9, 2024, are 8:05AM, 12:05PM, and 7:30PM. There is no Vigil Mass on December 8.
The second collection on the Immaculate Conception will be forwarded to The Tablet’s “Bright Christmas” fund. Like last year, Fr. Passenant will personally match what we receive.
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (not a holy day of obligation) is December 12, and at the 12:05PM daily Mass, the congregation is invited to arrange roses in vases at the base of the picture of Our Lady. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness of Mexico and all the Americas.