At a Mass commemorating the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, Bishop Paul Sanchez expressed thanks to God for his vocation. The 1pm Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, December 5, 2021, was livestreamed (and can be rewatched on our YouTube channel). The future bishop and pastor of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs was ordained on December 17, 1971, at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Participating in the extraordinary procession before Mass were the Knights of Columbus; Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio; Bishop Kevin Sweeney, Bishop of Patterson, New Jersey; the other auxiliary bishops of the Brooklyn/Queens Diocese (pictured); our parish priests joined by many other priests from across the diocese; and a large number of altar servers. A full choir performed, led by music director David Close on organ and accompanied by a trumpeter.
In the presence of about 500 people who attended the Mass (one of the largest gatherings we have had in our church during the COVID pandemic), Bishop Sanchez delivered a moving homily. The day, December 5, was also his mother’s birth, and he shared personal memories of his parents. He reflected on the gift of the priesthood and vocations, noting that all bishops are also priests and deacons, and he asked for prayers for more priests, deacons, and religious to carry a commitment to the Church.
Photos by Leon Volskis

Photos by Belinda Kotin
Photos by Ed Torres