Getting Back to Church

by Bill McGeveran

(This article appeared in the April 25, 2021 church bulletin.)

I think my wife Nancy and I can speak for many other OLQM parishioners when we say how grateful we’ve been for the coming of spring, Easter season, a waning of the pandemic (we hope), a slow return to normal life and society (so far)—and as a big part of it, the chance to get back to church in person with our parish family. For us, it has been more than a year away from church! We appreciated being able to tune into the weekly Masses online, celebrated by our own parish priests in our own church, but this obviously wasn’t a full substitute, even if we did get a little dressed up for it. Attending Mass in person as part of a community, and receiving Communion, is our way of connecting with God. Given our ages (they’re way up there!) we waited to first be vaccinated to come back, but others may have different comfort levels.

We’re grateful for the coming of spring, Easter season, a waning of the pandemic (we hope), and a slow return to normal life and society…

On our return to Sunday Mass, the week before Palm Sunday, we were greeted and seated by welcoming ushers, in socially distanced pews, in our spacious church, which is brighter and more beautiful than ever since renovations last year. From our place at left (near, if not quite in, our favorite pew), Nancy and I were amazed to see how clearly the reredos images at the Mary altar stood out! The choir may not return for a while, and I personally look forward greatly to rejoining that family and participating in the liturgy in that way, but we can still listen to David Close play beautifully from the organ in the choir loft and sing along prayerfully at the urgings of our talented leaders of song. Many thanks to all those who kept things going in these challenging times, starting with Bishop Sanchez, Fathers Passenant, Antonin, and Cunningham, and Deacon Greg. I hope we will all be together before long, with God’s blessing, as we join in liturgy and Holy Communion and carry on as a strong and loving parish.

Easter Mass during pandemic
Easter Sunday 9AM Mass