Clothing Donation Truck Schedule


The St. Vincent de Paul clothing donation truck periodically visits Our Lady Queen of Martyrs on four Sundays out of the year, accepting donations of new and gently used clothing and shoes for men, women, and children. Used items must be clean and in wearable condition. (Please do not give stained, ripped, worn-out clothes.)

Clothing donations will be accepted on these designated days, during the times noted. Dates may be subject to late-minute change; watch the bulletin for updates the week before the scheduled visit. The truck will be parked near the front of our church on Ascan Avenue.

Drop-off dates (all dates are Sundays, from 9AM to noon)

March 3
June 23
September 22
November 10

March 2
June 29
September 21
November 16

Related Information
  • To make arrangements for clothing pickup with the Associated Vincentian Charities of Brooklyn (formerly St. Vincent de Paul), use the the RAC World app (available through Google Play and the Apple Store).
  • Charity Outreach at OLQM to help our neighbors in need.
  • This helpful article from Aleteia asks that you think for a moment about what you are giving and why.




