As we arrive at the midpoint of Advent, with preparations for Christmas now half over, the Third Sunday of Advent is a time for joy and celebration! Known as “Gaudete Sunday” or “Rejoicing Sunday,” it features the lighting of the rose candle and the lovely custom of blessing the baby Jesus figures (“Bambinelli” in Italian) from our Nativity scenes. This Vatican tradition, started by Pope Paul VI in 1969, brings families together each year as the pope offers the Bambinelli blessing during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square. It’s been adopted by parishes such as ours as well, as a wonderful way to help children of all ages embrace the true spirit of the Advent season.
Here at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, we warmly invite every household in our parish and children of all ages to unpack your Nativity scenes and bring the baby Jesus statue to church to be blessed at any Sunday Mass on the weekend of December 14 & 15, 2024. Let’s rejoice together!