Adult Bible Studies at OLQM
The parish offers evening Bible Studies sessions at various times of the year to all who wish to participate. Our Bible Studies program goes beyond offering parishioners a weekly opportunity for Christian fellowship and faith sharing—it augments our experience of the Liturgy of the Word during Mass and helps to make our private scriptural studies more spiritually fruitful and enriching.
Sessions are under the tutelage of either a priest or experienced lay and religious instructors who shed new light on scripture and help bring God’s Word alive. Each course of study runs up to six weeks and is dedicated to either a specific Gospel or Book of the Bible, or to a particular church history theme. Instruction is followed by an informal discussion and time for questions.
Past topics have included Reflections on Divine Providence, The Historical Jesus, the Sacraments, Wisdom Literature, and Dante’s Divine Comedy (at the intersection of biblical and classical tradition in literature).
Sessions are held on Monday evenings, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the rectory’s main meeting room.
If interested, please contact Fr. Antonin Kocurek at 718-268-6251.